0926 GMT – Government bond issuance in the eurozone is expected to slow towards 120 billion euros in March from 134 billion in February, ING’s rates strategists say in a note. The net flow will turn negative due to larger redemption and coupon payments, they say. Redemptions from maturing bonds will amount to 118 billion euros, while coupon payments will total 19 billion euros in March, the strategists say. (
[email protected])Eurozone Bond Yields Fall; Heavy Supply Looms
0749 GMT – Eurozone government bond yields fall, reversing from Monday’s rises triggered by a beat in flash estimate February inflation data. The reversal, meanwhile, comes as U.S. President Trump’s tariffs against Mexico and Canada enter into force. “The trade war began last night as Trump said there was no room to negotiate with Mexico and Canada and tariffs on them have come into effect,” analysts at RBC Capital Markets say in a note. Trump’s additional 10% tariff on China also took effect, on top of 10% tariffs imposed in early February. Bond supply will be significant in the eurozone, coming from Austria, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The 10-year German Bund yield falls 3 basis points to last trade at 2.468%, according to Tradeweb. ([email protected])
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